Holy Ghost and Immaculate Conception Parishes offer sacraments across the continuum of life from baptism to marriage to anointing of the sick. The sacraments of reconciliation and Eucharist are offered at both churches every weekend and on some weekdays. We hope to see you at Mass soon to join in our Eucharistic celebration!
Sacraments are an ongoing source of grace for us as faithful. The Diocese of Madison asks that students have two years of religious formation before receiving sacraments. Catholic school religion classes or religious education classes (both traditional and Montessori) fulfill this request. First Reconciliation and First Eucharist are celebrated communally in December and May respectively. Confirmation preparation classes for students typically begin in 9th grade. All sacraments can also be prepared for and received on an individual basis including first sacraments for adults through our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) program. For more information or to enroll in a religious education session, contact Angie Snyder, director of religious education, at (608) 732-6329 or call the Holy Ghost or Immaculate Conception parish offices.