St. Rose Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court #4 was established in 1904. It is the 2nd oldest active Court in the Americas. St. Rose Ct. #4 meets the first Tuesday of the month in Mazzuchelli Hall, St. Rose. Call Sherri Schweigert, Court #4 Regent at 608-732-8460, email [email protected] or Mary Jane Cragg, Membership Chair, 608-732-2179 for more information.
The Catholic Daughters of the Americas is one of the oldest and largest organizations of Catholic women in the Americas. They donate to charities, administer scholarship programs and strive "to be helping hands where there is pain, poverty, sorrow or sickness." National CDA website is
Court #4 St. Rose with Court Mazzuchelli #2609, Monroe are hosting the 50th Biennial State Convention April 14-15, 2023. Cuba City was the first court established in the State of Wisconsin and where the first State Convention was held.
Joseph E. Lukaszewski
Phone: (906) 281-3511
Joseph A. Timmerman
Phone: (608) 568-7234
The Knights of Columbus Council 765 is a group of Catholic men eighteen years old or over. These men are members of Holy Ghost Parish, Dickeyville, WI; Immaculate Conception Parish, Kieler, WI; St. Patrick's Parish, Benton, WI; and St. Rose of Lima Parish, Cuba City, WI.
As of Jan. 1, 2020, the council has 151 members.
The current Grand Knight is:
Joseph E. Lukaszewski
Phone: (906) 281-3511
If you are interested in joining or transferring into our council, please contact:
Joseph A. Timmerman
Phone: (608) 568-7234
Mike Plear
Phone: (608) 744-3639