Holy Ghost Garage Sale, located in the basement of Holy Ghost Church in Dickeyville, runs from Friday before Memorial Day to Sunday of Labor Day weekend. The garage sale is open daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and staffed by volunteers. We receive wonderful donations from parishioners and friends in the tristate area. We also sell canned beef and have several bake sales and garden produce sales in conjunction with our garage sale. The proceeds from this garage sale help our parish, school, grotto, and community.
We welcome volunteers of all ages to help with setting up and straightening shelves and clothing. There is a volunteer calendar hanging in the church basement if you would like to sign up.
The Holy Ghost Grotto Board is open to men and women who have an interest in the grotto in Dickeyville. This is an elected position with a term of 3 years. There are no officers, and the board meets once per year. Members help with bake sales during the summer garage sale and maintain grotto buildings and grounds so that they can be enjoyed by 15,000 – 25,000 visitors annually.
The Holy Ghost Parish Picnic Committee is an elected position for a term of 2 years. The committee organizes the work lists, sets up the events, and cleans up at the completion. The Holy Ghost Parish Picnic is an annual fundraiser for Holy Ghost Parish established in 1913. The picnic is held on the Sunday before Labor Day. There is a dinner in the school gymnasium that includes chicken, ham, and all the fixings. There are games, prizes, raffles, and refreshments served during the day and live music in the evening. Guests can also visit our parish garage sale and the Holy Ghost Grotto & Gift Shop.
The Holy Ghost CCW in Dickeyville is open to all women of the parish. They meet on the third Tuesday of each month. (No summer or December meeting.) There are four officers (president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer). The CCW women are in charge of monthly parish breakfasts in November, February, March, and April. They also take a Christmas collection for Family Promise Project and sell roses for Right to Life after the Masses. The CCW helps with bake sales in conjunction with garage sale and join with Immaculate Conception (Kieler) CCW for the beginning of the year staff luncheon for Holy Ghost-Immaculate Conception School and to donate SCRIP to teachers, staff, priest, and deacon during Christmastime. Members sell chances for the quilt during the summer for Labor Day drawing.
The endowment fund was set up to assist with education within the parish. Members are nominated and elected to serve on the board for a 3-year term. The committee reviews the investment strategy of the endowment fund.
Members of Immaculate Conception Parish in Kieler are elected to leadership roles for a 3 year term and then work together with the parish priest to host this daylong festival held on Independence Day. A chicken dinner is served in the school while sandwiches, snacks, and treats are served outside. Games for children of all ages are available on the parish grounds. From Bingo to bounce houses, this annual celebration is a day filled with fun for the whole family.
The IC Cemetery board consists of four volunteers from the parish who meet the first Tuesday of each month. They work to supervise, sell, and mark plots, organize the spring cleaning, and take care of financial obligations for the cemetery.
The CCW of Immaculate Conception Parish is active in providing support to our parish and Catholic school in a multitude of activities and monetary donations. The CCW acts through the National Council of Catholic Women (NCCW) membership to support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service. Our NCCW programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the Church and society in the modern world.
The Immaculate Conception Holy Name Society is a men’s group with elected officers. They help maintain parish grounds and provide parish programming and support of parish life at Immaculate Conception Parish in Kieler. The board members change every year.
Children between the ages of 3 years and 8 years are welcome to listen to God’s word in terms they can comprehend. Children are lead to a room in the parish center during the readings to hear the readings and discuss and pray through the homily.
The auction committee is made up of HG and IC parish member volunteers who come together to plan a fun night that includes a dinner, auction, or other entertainment for our fellow parishioners, school families, and community members. This committee service is an opportunity for members to help raise necessary funding for our parishes and also helps our school.
The Holy Ghost and Immaculate Conception Pastoral Council serves as an advisory board to the assigned priest of the respective parish. Their role is to serve in that capacity, as the priest has the final say in parish matters. The Council is to provide input, offer opinions, and aid the priest to fulfill the duties prescribed by Canon law. This is an elected position for a term of 3 years.
The Holy Ghost and Immaculate Conception Youth Choir is a group of children and young adults from both parishes who enjoy praising God through song. Parishioners ranging in age from 3rd grade through college are encouraged join. Practices are held prior to singing at various Masses throughout the year at both parishes.
The HG-IC Education Commission serves as a policy recommending body for our school. Serving a 3-year term on the HG-IC Education Commission is an elected position consisting of three members from Holy Ghost Parish and three members from Immaculate Conception Parish who have students attending HG-IC School. Members assist with school fundraising as well.
The HG-IC Home and School Association is comprised of parents and staff of HG-IC School in Dickeyville and Kieler. This is an elected position with a term of 2 years and also welcomes volunteers for as long as they want to be involved. Together they work to provide funding for school activities planned by the teachers, provide extra incentives for students throughout the year, and provide any support needed by teachers. They are able to take the proceeds raised by the school apparel sale and other fundraisers and direct it back into our school to benefit the students and staff.
During this 2 year term, eight Booster Club members who are elected by parishioners work together with each other, with our principal, and with our coaches to ensure volleyball and basketball games and seasons run smoothly. Some of the larger tasks include preparing parent and referee work schedules, organizing concession sales, setting up before and cleaning after home games, and organizing tournaments and the end-of-season athletic banquet. Members also make improvements to athletic programs and equipment in the school buildings and on the parish grounds throughout the year.
The Holy Ghost-Immaculate Conception School Development Committee is formed of parents, staff, and parish volunteers to ensure the continuation of our Catholic school. The committee meets monthly and attends workshops that are available and sponsored by the Diocese of Madison to work on development, operational viability, fundraising, marketing, communication, enrollment management, and engagement.
The goals of the Development Committee are as follows:
Anyone interested in seeing the continuation of Catholic education in our parish communities and would like to join the committee, please contact either school office or e-mail at [email protected].